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Code of Ethics

Message from the CEO/Founder

Among the many reasons people are attracted to work at TRACE DATA CENTRE is our high ethical standards. Over the years, we have developed and nurtured a corporate culture of integrity. We expect all employees to behave in a manner that reflects these high standards. Integrity begins at the top — with our mission statement.

Our mission statement describes why TRACE DATA CENTRE exists — our purpose — and the corporate values we hold near and dear. It describes the importance of putting our Clients and Partners first, above all else, and our commitment to the core values of honesty, integrity and transparency.

These are the cornerstones of our corporate culture.

In order to communicate our ethical standards to all employees, we have developed our Code of Ethics. The Code provides guidance regarding the standards TRACE DATA CENTRE has adopted and, most important, communicates our expectations that all stakeholders will adhere to these standards. Within the Code, you will find information regarding our nonretaliation policy and your responsibility to report any situation that you believe may violate our Code of Ethics. Every employee should review the Code of Ethics on an annual basis.

Throughout the Tracing industry, ethical organizations such as TRACE DATA CENTRE have established corporate compliance programs to promote ethical behaviour and investigate allegations of wrongdoing. At TRACE DATA CENTRE, Compliance Department assists the Management with its oversight responsibilities.

When necessary, the department conducts its own independent investigations of problems that come to its attention, including anonymous calls to the TRACE DATA CENTRE Compliance Hotline.

Thokozani P. Sibiya
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Our Ethical Standards and Core Values

At TRACE DATA CENTRE, we operate around five core values:
– Ethics
– Transparency
– Confidentiality
– Integrity
– Obedience with the law

Ethics | Integrity | Confidentiality | Transparency

Decision Making Under
the Code of Ethics

When making a decision within or on behalf of TRACE DATA CENTRE, ask yourself the following:
 Does it comply with relevant laws and regulations?
 Does it comply with the code of ethics and other internal policies?
 Does it reflect TRACE DATA CENTRE’s values and ethical standards?
 Does it respect the rights of others?
If you are unsure about any of the answers, ask your Manager or a Human Resources staff member for further guidance